About Me
About Me
About BLW
Contact Information
My career path has a common theme. I’m a connector of people with diverse backgrounds, complex human nature traits, with specific business requirements to get the job done. Whether I’m uniting and engaging teams during the selection of an event location, negotiating terms and conditions, marketing engineering learning resources, communicating sensitive realignment details, or gathering feedback from employees to improve the workplace,  there’s one constant, and that’s my ability to collaborate, listen, understand, and adapt. I've always been an advocate of the employee at all levels, a coach and advisor boosting workplace harmony. 
My ability to identify business issues or process inefficiencies and the development of long term sustainable solutions is my foundation. I utilize the Systems Thinking approach, where the scope is expanded to include all associated components, not just the obvious symptoms. Through collaborative consultation, data collection, analysis, feedback, and documented outcomes, I produce sustainable solutions. The relationships I develop and communities I build during this process provide for long term success eliminating issues completely or for quick mitigation of returned symptoms.

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